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Love manga? Love Hokusai? Explore the work of Japan’s early comic genius Hokusai and his impact on contemporary manga (Japanese comic book) culture with this free exhibition. MANGA HOKUSAI MANGA is a family-friendly exhibition that bridges traditional woodblock printing to manga. Presented by The Japan Foundation, Sydney in partnership with Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre.

Hokusai is one of the most versatile and innovative painter-illustrators of his time. He gained renown in Europe and North America in the late 19th century beginning with his Manga and his ukiyo-e (lit., “pictures of the floating world”) works. Hokusai depicted courtesans and stage actors, published landscapes series, illustrated entertaining narratives and even held painting performances.

Now over 200 years old, Hokusai Manga volumes remain a source of entertainment, but now offer a rich time-capsule of graphic inspiration and influence to contemporary audiences. Considered in the context of modern manga, Hokusai’s works provide us with insight into the constantly evolving expressions of manga, from line-work and composition, to expression and gesture. In this exhibition, new works by seven contemporary manga artists, based on the theme of Hokusai and his manga, trace the master’s profound legacy in contemporary Japanese art and graphic design culture.

Image credit: © Shiriagari Kotobuki 2015 © Adachi Institute of Woodcut Prints