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Astronaut considers space exploration from the perspective of the astronaut and represents an aspect of that experience. Featuring artists Adam Norton, Tony Albert, David Haines and Joyce Hinterding, Darren Sylvester, Mog&Mog and Chris Caines, the works combine the history and science of space travel with creative imaginings of exploring new territories.

GIANT LEAP is a multi-arts program of events and exhibitions, marking the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission and the landing of the first humans on the moon in 1969.

The Giant Leap exhibition program includes: Memories of the Moon Landing in the Marsden Gallery; High Loom large-scale installation in the Turbine Hall by Lisa Sammut; Astronaut in the Switch Gallery; Future in the Upper Turbine Gallery; and, Under the Same Moon in the Hopper Gallery and fun, interactive activities in the Kids Gallery. You can also visit the One Small Step exhibition at Liverpool Museum.

Click here to access the Giant Leap programme

Adam Norton, Apollo 11 Space Badge (2018), synthetic polymer on acrylic fiberglass, courtesy of the artists and Galerie pompom.